ICC YAAF & CEIA-40: International Arbitration: Practices and Strategies for an Efficient Procedure

07 Nov 2024

Bogota Spanish
Start: 17:30 (Bogota) || End: 20:30 (Bogota)

The event offers an opportunity to discuss arbitration as an alternative dispute mechanism in the Latin American region and practical strategies to fulfill one of the greatest concerns of arbitration users: how to make a proceeding efficient?

The evening will begin with a keynote speech by Claudia Benavides, Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, about the viewpoints of international commercial arbitration in Latin America. After that, a panel will discuss the best practices and strategies for achieving more efficient arbitration proceedings from the perspectives of arbitrators, parties and their counsels. Finally, a networking space will be offered for the assistants.

The event is intended for practitioners in the field of commercial arbitration.

(Bogota Time Zone)





  • Diana Correa, Arbitrator, Professor Universidad Externado, President of CEIA´s Colombian Chapter, Bogota


Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America

  • Claudia Benavides, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Bogota; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration


Panel: Best Practices and Strategies for an Efficient Proceeding



  • Estefania Contreras, Senior Associate, Baker McKenzie, Bogota, Colombian Representative of CEIA -40


  • Rocío Pinzón, Infrastructure Arbitration Lawyer in the Public Sector, Bogota
  • Juan Sebastián Arias, Partner, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uria, Bogota
  • Juan Felipe Merizalde, Partner, Adell Merizalde, Bogota; Alternate Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration


Closing Remarks

  • María Angélica Burgos, ICC YAAF Representative for Latin America;  Partner, Burgos Dispute Resolution, Bogota


Cocktail kindly offered by Baker McKenzie

Juan Sebastián Arias

Partner, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uria, Bogota

Claudia Benavides

Partner, Baker McKenzie, Bogota; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration

María Angélica Burgos

ICC YAAF Representative for Latin America;  Partner, Burgos Dispute Resolution, Bogota

Estefanía Contreras

Senior Associate, Baker McKenzie, Bogota

Diana Correa

Arbitrator, Professor Universidad Externado, President of CEIA´s Colombian Chapter, Bogota

Juan Felipe Merizalde

Partner, Adell Merizalde, Bogota; Alternate Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration

Rocío Pinzón

Infrastructure Arbitration Lawyer in the Public Sector, Bogota


Baker McKenzie, Carrera 11 # 79-35, 9th floor 

Bogotá, D.C. 110221

Working language


First name, Name




María Angélica Burgos

ICC YAAF Representative for Latin America;  Partner, Burgos Dispute Resolution, Bogota



Estefanía Contreras

Senior Associate, Baker McKenzie, Bogota



Gabriela Schafler

Deputy Director,  Arbitration and ADR, Latin America, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

+52 5640910415





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