Leadership, Legitimacy, Legacy, A Tribute to Alexis Mourre

No. P894E

ISBN : 978-92-842-0591-2

This book celebrates Alexis Mourre’s service as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (2015-2021). 

With a collection of essays organized around the central pillars of his Presidency – diversity, efficiency, ethics, transparency, and strengthening the global nature of ICC arbitration, the authors lean into the most challenging issues, mixing academic rigor and personal reflection. 

Aspiring to inspire and celebrate, this book is a fitting tribute to Alexis Mourre’s leadership and legacy. 

Code ISBN : 978-92-842-0591-2
Weight : 0.9600 kgs
Number of pages : 384
Publishing date : 2022
Language : English


A tribute to Alexis Mourre


Our Tribute
Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chiann Bao, Alexander G. Fessas, Mark W. Friedman,
Claudia T. Salomon, Eduardo Zuleta

I. Historical perspective
A historical perspective
Yves Derains

II. Diversity and inclusion
Towards a diverse future: why is diversity imperative?
Nayla Comair-Obeid

The complex and multidimensional meaning of 'diversity' in international arbitration
Yoshimi Ohara

Personal reflection | Alexis Mourre and diversity
Vera van Houtte

The equal representation in arbitration pledge over the years:
the campaign for gender diversity in arbitral tribunals continues
Christian Albanesi, Somin Lee and Charlene Warner 

Personal reflection | Achieving gender parity at a time where parity was not in the conversation
Samaa A. Haridi 

Confronting implicit bias effectively, the end justifies the means
Julien Fouret 

Diversity and inclusion: the long road ahead
Elena Gutiérrez García de Cortázar 

Personal reflection | Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler

III. Ethics

Does international arbitration ethic exist, and if not, should it?
Philippe Pinsolle

Personal reflection | More Mourre
David Arias

The need for arbitration-specific rules on ethics: a plea for a collective effort
Luca G. Radicati di Brozolo and Flavio Ponzano 

Personal reflection | Inspiring changes at the ICC Court and beyond
Guido S. Tawil 

Constituting arbitral tribunals behind the veil of ignorance
Marnix A. Leijten and Matthias L. Kuscher 

Personal reflection | Alexis, Italy and Francesco Pucci
Loretta Malintoppi 

Dilatory tactics: ethics, legitimacy, responses
Dyalá Jiménez 

Personal reflection | The curious phenomenon of the 'pro-active co-arbitrator'
Eduardo Silva Romero 

Will the controversy over double hatting ruin arbitration?
Yasmine Lahlou 

IV. Transparency

Transparency's contribution to legitimacy
Todd Wetmore 

Personal reflection | Valentine Chessa 

Reconciling private arbitration and public transparency
Michael Young, QC

Personal reflection | Publication of awards: (very) brief thoughts on transparency and arbitral precedent
Charles Kaplan

Data protection issues in international arbitration
Eduardo Damião Gonçalves and Paulo Brancher

One standard, many interpretations: the highly varied practice of arbitrator disclosure of potential conflicts and what can be done about it
José R. Feris

Personal reflection | Julie Bedard

Does the collection of information about arbitrators impede arbitral appointments?
Anne Véronique Schlaepfer

Personal reflection | Yas Banifatemi

V. Efficiency

With all the attention to costs and time efficiency, why hasn't arbitration become more time and cost efficient?
Claus von Wobeser

Early determinations to reduce time and cost: the rise of midstream case management conferences
Michael McIlwrath 

Personal reflection | To Alexis Mourre: a man for his season
Carita Wallgren-Lindholm 

The top five changes that can improve arbitration practice
Kap-You (Kevin) Kim 

Personal reflection | Driving change through vision: reflections on the presidency of Alexis Mourre
Pierre Bienvenu, Ad. E. 

The relationship between international arbitration and the courts: past, present and future
Ndanga Kamau 

Improving arbitration deliberations and awards
Deva Villanúa and Edward Thorn 

Personal reflection | Intellectual and cultural independence
Christopher R. Seppälä 

VI. A worldwide community

Institutions' normative role in shaping international arbitration
Funke Adekoya, SAN

Personal reflection | Andrés Jana

Proliferation of international arbitration centres
Vladimir Khvalei

Personal reflection | Mingchao Fan 

Personal reflection | Justin D'Agostino 

A worldwide community: 'cultivating arbitration in new fora and new fields'
Wendy J. Miles QC 

Personal reflection | Ana Serra e Moura 

Personal reflection | Valeria Galíndez 

Cooperation among arbitral institutions: opportunities and perils
Meg Kinnear 

Integration of remote working into arbitral practice after the COVID-19 pandemic
Inka Hanefeld and Maria Hauser-Morel 

Personal reflection | A final word of thanks
Judith Gill QC 

VI. Conclusion
Claudia T. Salomon