13th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration

10-11 Feb 2025

Abu Dhabi English and Arabic CLPD, CLE, MCLE & CNB

Taking place on 10-11 February 2025, the 13th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration is a must-attend for arbitration professionals who want to keep up to date with the latest trends, developments and strategies in arbitration in the Middle East and North Africa.

An ICC Institute Advanced Training on “Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration: the good, the bad and the in between” will take place on 10 February 2025.

Who should attend?

  • Practising lawyers
  • Arbitrators, mediators
  • Corporate counsel
  • Academic
  • Professionals interested in and/or involved in international arbitration in the MENA region

Stay up-to-date with the latest news on the #ICCMENA Conference by following ICC Arbitration on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.


Nasser Al-Adba

Omani & Partners LLP proudly supports the growth of international arbitration in the Middle East, using platforms like the ICC MENA Conference to drive progress and collaboration.

Dr. Nasser Al-Adba, Managing PartnerOmani & Partners LLP

Girgis Abd El-Shahid

"WinJustice is excited to share how litigation funding can accelerate international arbitration and create new opportunities for resolving disputes effectively at the ICC MENA Conference."

Mr. Girgis Abd El-Shahid, Managing Partner, Shahid Law Firm

Obaid Bin Mes'har

"WinJustice is excited to share how litigation funding can accelerate international arbitration and create new opportunities for resolving disputes effectively at the ICC MENA Conference."

Mr. Obaid Bin Mes'har, Managing Partner, WinJustice

10 February: ICC Institute Training
11 February: Conference
12 February: YAAF

All times are in GS Time (GST)
ICC Institute Training on Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration: the good, the bad and the in between

08.30 – 09.00

Registration and welcome coffee

09.00 – 09.10

Welcoming address, introduction and presentation of the mock case 

  • Ercüment Erdem, Founder and Senior Partner, Erdem and Erdem, Türkiye; Chair, ICC CLP Commission; Ex-Officio Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law

09.10 – 10.10

Oral versus written advocacy: counsel and tribunal perspectives 

  • Defining the elements of “oral advocacy”: pleadings, witnesses, experts, demonstratives, other features 
  • Early assessment of the pros and cons of the elements of “oral advocacy”: the opportunities and the limitations depending on the initial presentation of the dispute 
  • Perspectives as claimant versus as respondent 
  • The interrelationship between the assessment and the selection of the tribunal members: party autonomy vs. tribunal direction 
  • The interrelationship between the assessment and the applicable law(s) including respecting burden of proof and burden of persuasion  
  • The assessment and the desired role for the tribunal: “inquisitorial” vs. “adversarial” vs. something in between 
  • Luka Kristovic-Blazevic, Partner, Dispute Resolution - Head of ME Arbitration, Baker McKenzie LLP, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Anne Véronique Schlaepfer, Partner, White & Case SA, Switzerland

10.10 - 10.40


10.40 - 10.55

Coffee break

10.55 – 11.40

Oral advocacy, party autonomy and the determination of the facts of the dispute: the opening statement at the hearing 

  • The hearing and oral opening statements: good practices, bad practices, best practices 
  • Orally pleading the case “through” prior written memorials: counsel perspectives, tribunal perspectives 
  • Opening statements and post-hearing briefs: the desired relationship 
  • Exhibits and visuals and their role in oral advocacy and decision-making 
  • Ercüment Erdem, Founder and Senior Partner, Erdem and Erdem, Türkiye; Chair, ICC CLP Commission; Ex-Officio Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law
  • Reshma Oogorah, Arbitrator, Niyom Legal; Senior Legal Counsel, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Case scenarios and Q&A


Lunch break kindly sponsored by Omani & Partners

13.45 – 14.15

Focus on cross-examination  

  • Effective preparation for cross examination 
  • Effective styles of cross-examination 
  • “Remember the dead horse”:  knowing when to let go 
  • “Putting your case to the witness” versus character assassination 
  • Lay witnesses and expert witnesses 
  • Ziad Obeid, Managing Partner, Obeid & Partners, Lebanon
  • Julie Spinelli, Partner, Le 16 Law, France

14.15 – 15.10

Case scenarios and Q&A 

15.10 – 15.25

Coffee break 

15.25 – 15.55

Oral advocacy at the main hearing 

  • Orally pleading the case “through” witness examination: counsel perspectives, tribunal perspectives 
  • Closing statements and post-hearing briefs: transcripts, recency, and the new emphasis on speed in rendering the award 
  • Jean Pierre Harb, Partner – Avocat au Barreau de Paris, Jones Day, France
  • Yasmine Lahlou, Partner, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP, New York, United States

 15.55 – 16.50

Case scenarios and Q&A

16.50 – 17.00

Concluding remarks

  • Ercüment Erdem, Founder and Senior Partner, Erdem and Erdem, Türkiye; Chair, ICC CLP Commission; Ex-Officio Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law

Download the Arabic version of the programme

Shifting Tides: The Evolving Landscape of Arbitration  in the Middle East 


Global businesses are more active than ever, making substantial investments in the Middle East, attracted by exceptional commercial prospects and strong economic growth. At the same time, ensuring long-term sustainability requires that the region's economic appeal is complemented by an effective and reliable dispute resolution system. Striking this balance will not only create a stable and secure business environment but also enhance the region’s reputation as a leading global destination for investment. Ensuring that economic dynamism is paired with robust dispute management will pave the way for a prosperous and resilient future in the Middle East.


08.00 – 09.00

Registration and welcome coffee kindly sponsored by Omani & Partners

09.00 – 09.20

Welcome addresses

  • Sherif Akl, Director, Arbitration and ADR, Middle-East, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Abu Dhabi 
  • Mahmood Hussain, Founding Partner, M&Co Legal, Dubai/Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Chair, ICC UAE Commission on Arbitration and ADR; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration 

09.20 – 09.40

Inside the Latest ICC Court Highlights: A MENA-Focused Overview with the ICC Secretariat  

This overview offers key updates and insights from the ICC Court, highlighting recent developments and initiatives that enhance arbitration practices and services in the MENA region.

  • Alexander G. Fessas, Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Director, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris 

09.40 – 10.20

Opening keynote

  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy, Zulficar & Partners; Professor of Law, Cairo University; Chair, ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services; Ciarb President Elect (2025) 

10.20 – 10.35

ADGM presentation of the Arbitration Center

  • Linda Fitz-Allan, Registrar and Chief Executive, ADGM Courts, ADGM, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 

10.35 – 11.05

Coffee break kindly sponsored by Global Advocacy and Shahid Law Firm

11.05 – 12.05

Session 1: State courts, Arbitration and the Middle East 

This panel will explore the evolving role of national courts in arbitration across the Middle East, specifically examining how courts in Egypt, the UAE and Oman engage with arbitration proceedings. The conversation will also revolve around examining whether such interactions are held in a climate that favors arbitration and addresses the reservations surrounding it. Additionally, the discussion will analyse how these dynamics are shaping the arbitration landscape in the Gulf and beyond, particularly regarding the enforcement of arbitral awards and the broader implications for international arbitration.

  • Moosa Salim Al-Azri, Managing Partner, Dr. Moosa Al-Azri Lawyers and Legal Consultants, Oman; International Arbitrator; Retired Appellate Judge 
  • Tarek Alkhayyat, Judge in Appeal, Dubai Courts, United Arab Emirates 
  • Nabil Omran, Vice President, Egyptian Court of Cassation, Egypt; Vice President, Court of Cassation, Dubai Courts, United Arab Emirates 


Chaired by:  

  • Girgis Abd El-Shahid, Managing Partner, Shahid Law Firm, Egypt

12.05 – 12.30


12.30 – 14.00

Lunch kindly sponsored Shahid Law Firm and WinJustice

14.00 – 14.55

Session 2: Comprehensive Insights into Interest rates in MENA Arbitrations: Economic Foundations and Legal Frameworks 

As the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region continues to emerge as a dynamic hub for international trade and investment, the importance of effective arbitration mechanisms has never been more critical. This panel will provide comprehensive insights into the factors driving interest rates in MENA arbitrations, focusing on the economic and Shariaa foundations and legal frameworks that underpin this growth starting with the economic drivers (key industries, investment), legal framework, cultural considerations and best practices. 

  • Nasser Al-Adba, Managing Partner, Omani & Partners LLP, Qatar; Chair, CIArb Qatar Branch
  • Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid, Global Co-Chair of International Arbitration & Co-Head of Latin America Arbitration Practice Group, Eversheds Sutherland, United States
  • Nasser Alrubayyi, Managing Partner (KSA), Co-Chair Middle East & North Africa Practice, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Saudi Arabia
  • Noradèle Radjai, Partner, LALIVE, Switzerland  
Chaired by: 
  • Niuscha Bassiri, Co-Founder, ArbBoutique, Belgium; Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law 

14.55 – 15.10


15.10– 16.05

Session 3: Expedited procedures – the obvious solution for low value claims? 

This panel will explore the ICC expedited procedures, with panelists sharing their views on how to effectively organise fast-track arbitrations and the importance of cooperation between parties to ensure an efficient procedure even under heightened time constraints.

  • Abdallah Y. El Shehaby, Partner, Jurisera – Attorneys at Law, Egypt  
  • Cherine Ghali, Arbitrator, Ghali & Co. , Dubai/London, United Arab Emirates/United Kingdom 
  • Lara Hammoud, Independent Arbitrator, Arbitra International, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 
  • Nada Sader, Partner, Sader Arbitration, France 
Chaired by: 
  • Stella Leptourgou, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris 

16.05 – 16.20


16.20 – 16.50

Coffee break kindly sponsored by Linklaters and WinJustice

16.50 – 17.50

Session 4: Mock Session of the ICC International Court of Arbitration: Spotlight on Multi-Party & Multi-Contract Issues and Consolidation 

Join members of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court) in an interactive mock session where conference attendees will be able to get a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the ICC Court and act as ICC Court members contributing to decisions on multi-party & multi-contract issues, consolidation and  more. 

  • Amel Alaseeri, Partner, Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates Full Law Practice, Bahrain; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration 
  • Ali Al Hashimi, Regional Managing Partner, Global Advocacy and Legal Counsel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Alternate member, ICC International Court of Arbitration 
  • Nadine Debbas Achkar, Independent Arbitrator, Lebanon; Visting Professor, NYUAD; Judge, Bahrain Supreme Court; Alternate Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration 
  • Karam Farah, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Abu Dhabi 
  • Alexander G. Fessas, Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Director, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris 
  • Mahmood Hussain, Founding Partner, M&Co Legal, Dubai/Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Chair, ICC UAE Commission on Arbitration and ADR; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration 
  • Stella Leptourgou, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris 

17.50 – 18.00

Closing remarks

  • Sherif Akl, Director, Arbitration and ADR, Middle-East, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Abu Dhabi 

18.00 – 20.00

Cocktail reception kindly sponsored by Shahid Law Firm

ICC YAAF: From preparation to practice: Excelling in Arbitration.

This ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) event is organized at the occasion of the 13th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration. This dynamic event offers young practitioners a unique opportunity to engage with experts, gain practical insights, and network with peers and leaders in international arbitration.

Click the link above to register free of charge!


Ercument Erdem

Founder and Senior Partner, Erdem & Erdem, Turkey; Chair, ICC CLP Commission; Ex-Officio Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law

Jean Pierre Harb

Partner – Avocat au Barreau de Paris, Jones Day, France

Yasmine Lahlou

Partner, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP, New York, United States 

Luka Kristovic-Blazevic

Partner, Dispute Resolution - Head of ME Arbitration, Baker McKenzie LLP, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ziad Obeid

Managing Partner, Obeid & Partners, Lebanon

Reshma Oogorah

Arbitrator, Niyom Legal; Senior Legal Counsel, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Anne Véronique Schlaepfer

Partner, White & Case SA, Switzerland

Julie Spinelli

Partner, Le 16 Law, France



Girgis Abd El-Shahid

Managing Partner, Shahid Law Firm, Egypt

Mohamed Abdel Wahab

Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy , Zulficar & Partners; Professor of Law, Cairo University; Chair, ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services; Ciarb President Elect (2025)

Sherif Akl

Director, Arbitration and ADR, Middle-East, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Abu Dhabi

Nasser Al-Adba

Managing Partner, Omani & Partners LLP, Qatar; Chair, CIArb Qatar Branch

Moosa Salim Al-Azri

Managing Partner, Dr. Moosa Al-Azri Lawyers and Legal Consultants, Oman; International Arbitrator; Retired Appellate Judge 

Amel Alaseeri

Partner, Zeenat Al Mansoori & Associates Full Law Practice, Bahrain; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration

Ali Al Hashimi

Regional Managing Partner, Global Advocacy and Legal Counsel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Alternate Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration

Tarek Alkhayyat

Judge in Appeal, Dubai Courts, United Arab Emirates 

Meriam Nazih Al-Rashid

Global Co-Chair of International Arbitration & Co-Head of Latin America Arbitration Practice Group, Eversheds Sutherland, United States

Nasser Alrubayyi

Managing Partner (KSA), Co-Chair Middle East & North Africa Practice, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Saudi Arabia

Niuscha Bassiri

Co-Founder, ArbBoutique, Belgium; Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law

Nadine Debbas Achkar

Independent Arbitrator; Visting Professor, NYUAD; Judge, Bahrain Supreme Court; Alternate Member, ICC Intrnational Court of Arbitration

Abdallah Y. El Shehaby

Partner, Jurisera – Attorneys at Law, Egypt

Karam Farah

Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Abu Dhabi

Alexander G. Fessas

Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration; Director, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Paris

Linda Fitz-Allan

Registrar and Chief Executive, ADGM Courts, ADGM, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Cherine Ghali

Arbitrator, Ghali & Co. , Dubai/London, United Arab Emirates/United Kingdom

Lara Hammoud

Independent Arbitrator, Arbitra International, United Arab Emirates

Mahmood Hussain

Founding Partner, M&CO Legal, Dubai/Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Chair, ICC UAE Arbitration & ADR Commission; Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration

Stella Leptourgou

Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris

Nabil Omran

Vice President, Egyptian Court of Cassation, Egypt; Vice President, Court of Cassation, Dubai Courts, United Arab Emirates 

Noradèle Radjai

Partner, LALIVE, Switzerland

Nada Sader

Partner, Sader Arbitration, France

More speakers will be announced shortly

Date and venue

Date of the training: 10 February 2025
Date of the conference: 11 February 2025

ADGM Academy
Al Maryah Island, Maqam Tower 3, Floor 20, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

ADGM Dispute Resolution Centre, ADGM
Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 

Registration fees

Registration fees for non-ICC members: 

Early Bird (until 20 December 2024): AED 2120 (around €535)
Standard (21 December 2024 – 3 February 2025): AED 3220 (around €810
Last Chance (3-10 February 2025): AED 3610 (around €910)

Early Bird (until 20 December 2024): AED 2300 (around €580)
Standard (21 December – 3 February 2025): AED 3360 (around €845)
Last Chance (3-11 February 2025): AED 3760 (around €945)

Package – Training and Conference (20% discount)
Early Bird (until 20 December 2024): AED 3540 (around €895)
Standard (21 December 2024 – 3 February 2025): AED 5270 (around €1330)
Last Chance (3-10 February 2025): AED 5660 (around €1425)

5% VAT will be applied.

Registration fees for ICC members:  
20% discount on the non-member rates. Please contact your local NC to obtain your discount code.

Special discounts 
FULL TIME in-House Counsel and Government representatives may attend the conference free of charge. LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE. 

Group rates: Register 5 persons from the same company and pay for 4. Full time Academics may benefit from a 20% discount. 

Please contact ICCGlobalEvents@iccwbo.org for more details

Travel and accommodation 

Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and hotel reservations.

We are only able to dispatch visa invitation letters to support your visa application upon receipt of your registration and full payment of your registration fees.

Working languages

The training will be held in English only.
Simultaneous interpretation in English & Arabic will be available for the conference.

Cancellation policy

50% of the registration fee will be refunded if notice of cancellation is received in writing before Friday 10 January 2025. Cancellations after this date are non-refundable, except in exceptional circumstances, such as visa refusals and illness.  

Please be informed that any form of cancellation will incur a cancellation fee of 7% + 5% VAT of the registration fee which must be covered by the participant.

Subject to agreement from ICC UAE prior to the event, the registration may be transferred to another person from the same company or organisation at no extra charge. Updated registration information will be required. Please note that ICC reserves the right to cancel this event or to make minor alterations to the content and timing of the programme or to the identity of the speakers. In the unlikely event of cancellation, delegates will be offered a full refund. ICC will not, however, be held responsible for any related expense incurred by the participant.

Credits, hours and points

This event will be eligible for:  

CLPD points from the State Bar of Dubai 

CLE credits from the State Bar of New York 

CNB credits from the French Bar 

Please note that this is subject to validation of ICC Global Events’ application (or individual application, as necessary). 

Furthermore, ICC Global Events is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider 

Please contact ICCGlobalEvents@iccwbo.org if you have any questions or would like further information. 


The photos and audiovisual recordings taken at this meeting/event may be used and published by ICC, its subsidiaries or affiliates, for informational or promotional purposes in printed materials or online, including on ICC websites and in social media. Participation in the meeting/event implies agreement to such use of photos or audiovisual recordings in which the participant may appear unless ICC receives written notification to the contrary.

An opportunity for every marketing goal. 

ICC offers your company many ways to sponsor this conference. Tailor-made packages are available to suit your firm's needs. For more information contact sponsorship@iccwbo.org

Sponsorship Options


Strategic Partner  €20,000 

Networking Partner €12,000 

Branding Partner €7,000  

Sponsorship of the cocktail reception OR dinner (as available) 


Showcase your brand prominently on the ICC DRS App 



Opportunity to host a social side event (included in the official programme)** 



Guest blog contribution opportunity (https://iccwbo.org/news-publications/)* 

1 Article 



Strategic logo placement in banners & collaterals 




Testimonial quote on the event page* 



Private meeting room reserved for 1 hour  



Sponsor a lunch (will be co-sponsored as available)  




Participants list available in priority 




Pop-up notification on the ICC DRS App 

2 notifications 

1 notification 


Company video to be played during session breaks 




Opportunity to provide Delegate Bags OR Lanyards OR Notebooks & Pens OR Water Bottles (as available)** 


Sponsor a coffee break (coffee break will be co-sponsored as available)  


. .

Exhibition space and exhibitor pass 


Complimentary invitations to the cocktail or dinner reception 


Complimentary registrations to the conference 



Special reduced registrations (30% reduction)  



Profile included on the ICC DRS app 

Opportunity to Include a branded item in the participant bags** 


Sponsor recognition on email and ICC arbitration social media  


Use of the official event sponsor logo  

Maximum visibility with signage at the venue and on all digital materials 

*All content to be approved by ICC 

** Sponsor to bear all associated costs (The material must be ethically and sustainably sourced or produced) 


Our sponsorship packages do not include speaking opportunities. Please let us know if you would like to submit a speaker candidate for consideration. 

For further information, please contact:

Organising team

Sponsorship team


Hosted by

We thank our sponsors

We thank our supporter