ICC Institute of World Business Law Advanced Training on Drafting Enforceable Awards

15 Nov 2024

New Delhi English
Start: 08:30 (Indian Standard Time) || End: 17:00 (Indian Standard Time)

Join us at the ICC Institute of World Business Law Advanced Training in India! This year, the Training is titled “Drafting Enforceable Awards” and co-organised by the ICC Institute, ICC DRS, and ICC India. 

This Training is an advanced level training and as such, the participants are required to possess the requisite knowledge and practical experience in arbitration to help them engage with complex issues covered at the Training. This Training is also suitable for those who are aspiring to be arbitrators and wish to develop the requisite skills and knowledge to prepare themselves for future appointments. 


To ensure a conducive training, there are limited spots for only forty (40) participants

7th ICC India Arbitration Day

(Indian Standard Time)

08:30 – 09:00

Registration and welcome coffee

09:00 – 09:10

Welcoming address, introduction and presentation of the ICC Institute of World Business Law

09:10 – 10:10

Drafting an arbitral award: which drafting style?


Participants will receive first-hand guidelines and knowledge on best practices pertaining to award legal drafting styles. How legal systems and traditions can influence drafting techniques, the different approaches in civil and common law. How to improve the quality of the award, by getting away from the “copy and paste” drafting style, to properly reflect the reasons behind the arbitral decision, identifying how much “reasoning” is necessary to render a fully convincing award and secure its enforceability.

10:10 – 10:40


10:40 – 10:55

Coffee break

10:55 – 11:40

Drafting an arbitral award: spotlight on specific issues


This session will focus on particular sections of the award which often present difficulties and challenges in particular:

(1)     Jurisdiction and applicable law

(2)    Damages

(3)    Auxiliary remedies: interest and costs

11:40 – 12:45

Case scenarios and Q&A

12:45 – 13:45


13:45 – 14:15

Introduction to scrutiny of the award by the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court)


Participants will gain a deeper insight into a distinctive feature of ICC arbitration, the ICC Court’s scrutiny of all draft awards. An ICC representative will share her expertise on the ICC Court scrutiny process, the different levels of review, the assistance and tools provided by the Secretariat of the Court, such as the “ICC Award Checklist”, to help arbitral tribunals, although respecting their liberty of decision, draft more legally effective awards.

14:15 – 15:10

Case scenarios and Q&A

15:10 – 15:25

Coffee break

15:25 – 15:55

Mock Court session: scrutiny of the award by the ICC Court and debate


This is an opportunity for participants to witness the type of discussions that are held between members of the ICC Court and representatives of the Secretariat when reviewing a draft award. The parties to this mock court session will debate on the draft award reviewed by the working groups.

15:55 – 16:50

Case scenarios and Q&A

16:50 – 17:00

Concluding remarks

7th ICC India Arbitration Day - 16 November 24 

Start: 09:30 (Indian Standard Time) - End: 19:00 (Indian Standard Time)

View programme and register here.  

Speakers to be announced shortly


Hyatt Regency Delhi

Bhikaiji Cama Place, Ring Road, New Delhi - 110066, Delhi, India

Registration information

At this stage, pre-registrations are open to save the date and mark your calendar. More details on registration and fees will follow shortly. 

First name, Name



Ms Shania Elias

Deputy Director, Arbitration and ADR, India, ICC Dispute Resolution Services


Ms Valerie Victor

Executive Assistant, Arbitration and ADR, South Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Service

