ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2023-3

No. E23BUL-3

ISBN : 978-92-842-0661-2

Issue 2023-3 

Message from Claudia Salomon, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration

ICC Court Centenary. Keynote speeches from Lord Neuberger (Former President of the UK Supreme Court, Eric Dupond-Moretti (Minister of Justice, France) and Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar (Vice-President, India). Reports from the 13th World Chambers Congress.

 Global Developments:  News from the U.S., the new (but not in force) Venezuela-Colombia BIT, India, Pakistan, Singapore and Albania

Practice and Procedure: ‘Does Jura Novit Curia Apply in Arbitration?; ’Optional Provisions for the Terms of Reference and Procedural Order No. 1’

Commentary: ‘Fine Tuning: Review of the Proposed Reforms to the English Arbitration Act 1996’; ‘Dissuasive and Abusive Arbitration Clauses on the Digital Consumer Market’

ICC DRS Activities: ICC and Union of Arab Banks joint conference (Paris); 8th ICC Asia-Pacific Conference on International Arbitration (Hong Kong); ‘Tech Disputes and Arbitration’ (Singapore); ICC Institute Training on Complex Arbitrations (New York)

Four Book Reviews: ‘The Fidic Red Book Contract: An International Clause-By-Clause Commentary’; ‘Blanke on UAE Arbitration Legislation and Rules – A Multi-Volume Article-by-Article Commentary, Vol. I (second ed.)’; ‘L’exécution des mesures à titre provisoire rendues par un tribunal arbitral situé à l’étranger’ ; ‘Judging Iran: A Memoir of The Hague, the White House, and Life on the Front Line of International Justice’


Code ISBN : 978-92-842-0661-2
Number of pages : 117
Publishing date : 2023
Language : English

Claudia Salomon
Message from the President

In Memoriam William Laurence Craig

Julien Fouret and Yasmine Lahlou
Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief

ICC Court Centenary                                         

Lord David Neuberger
History of Rule of Law and International Arbitration

Eric Dupond-Moretti, French Minister of Justice
Opening Address - Annual Conference on International Arbitration,
ICC French National Committee

Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Honorable Vice President of India
Keynote Address – Inaugural Session, 6th ICC India Arbitration Day

Sara Nadeau-Seguin, Rafael Rincón and Daniela Walteros
13th World Chambers Congress in the Centenary Year of the ICC Court
– Achieving Peace and Prosperity through Multilateralism

Global Developments                                        

Diogo Manuel Pereira
United States: Coinbase, Inc. v. Bielski – A ‘Common-Sense’ Approach Enhancing
the U.S. as a Leading Seat for International Arbitration

Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky and Mary Kate Wagner
United States: Supreme Court Rules that Civil Racketeering Claim Is Available
in Support of Enforcement of U.S. Judgment Based on a Foreign Arbitration Award

Diego Rueda and Gonzalo Salazar
Venezuela-Colombia: A New BIT – Precedent or Anecdote?

Mansvini Jain
India: Foreign Consortium Members Under the Arbitration Act: Always in it Together?

Fakhruddin Valika
Pakistan: Courts' Pro-Enforcement Stance Confirmed

Margaret Joan Ling
Singapore: Balancing Open Justice and Confidentiality in Arbitration-related
Court Proceedings

Sokol Elmazaj
Albania: Reinstating the Law on Arbitration

Practice and Procedure                                  

Affef Ben Mansour, Olivier Caprasse, Éamonn Conlon, Giuditta Cordero-Moss, and Alejandro Escobar
Does Jura Novit Curia Apply in Arbitration?

Aníbal Sabater
Optional Provisions for the Terms of Reference and Procedural Order No. 1


Angeline Welsh KC, Essex Court Chambers
Fine Tuning: Review of the Proposed Reforms to the English Arbitration Act 1996

Galo M. Márquez Ruiz
Dissuasive and Abusive Arbitration Clauses on the Digital Consumer Market

ICC DRS Activities                                                   

Dr. Aline Tanielian Fadel and Christophe Dugué
The Suitability of Arbitration and ADR to Resolve Financial Disputes:
Islamic Finance and the Emerging Disputes in the Digitalised Financial Sector

Diane Peng and Yvonne Mak
8th ICC Asia-Pacific Conference on International Arbitration:
Rethinking Dispute Prevention and Resolution When the Dawn Returns

 Suraj Sajnani
‘Tech Disputes and Arbitration’

Priscilla Villa Nova
ICC Institute Training on Complex Arbitrations

Book Reviews

Daniel Schimmel and Jose M. Garcia Rebolledo
The Fidic Red Book: Clause-by-Clause Application and Recent Developments

Prof. Georges Affaki
Arbitration in the UAE Demystified

Lucas de Medeiros Diniz
L’Exécution des Mesures Provisoire Arbitrales à l’Etranger : Pour une Solution Urgente 

Florian Renaux
International Law in Action: The 1001 Lives of the Honorable Charles Brower

Prof. Georges Affaki

Sabater Aníbal

Affef Ben Mansour

Amal Bouchenaki

Olivier Caprasse

Éamonn Conlon

Giuditta Cordero-Moss

Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar

Christophe Dugué

Eric Dupont-Moretti

Sokol Elmajaz

Alejandro Escobar

Julien Fouret

Jose M. Garcia Rebolledo

Mansvini Jain

Yasmine Lahlou

Margaret Joan Ling

Yvonne Mak

Galo Martín Márquez Ruíz

Lucas de Medeiros Diniz

Sara Nadeau-Seguin

Lord David Neuberger

Diane Peng

Diogo Manuel Pereira

Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky

Florian Renaud

Rafael Rincón

Diego Rueda

Suraj Sajnani

Gonzalo Salazar

Claudia Salomon

Daniel Schimmel

Dr. Aline Tanielian Fadel

Fakhruddin Valika

Priscilla Villa Nova

Mary-Kate Wagner

Daniela Walteros

Angeline Welsh 


Julien Fouret

Yasmine Lahlou


Julien Fouret

Yasmine Lahlou

Editorial Board

Christian Albanesi

Stavros Brekoulakis

Farouk El-Hosseny

Karina Goldberg

Ahmed Habib

Imad Khan

Sara Nadeau-Séguin

Damien Nyer

Olena Perepelynska

Sulabh Rewari

Rafael Rincon

Michele Sabatini

Sabina Sacco

Leyou Tameru

Charis Tan

Sherlin Tung

Angeline Welsh

Jennifer Younan