ICC YAAF: The Place of Cultural Diversity in Business Interactions and Dispute Resolution (from Japan and beyond)

19 Nov 2024

Tokyo Japanese and English
Start: 17:00 (Japan Time - JST) || End: 18:30 (Japan Time - JST)

This YAAF event is being organized on the occasion of the 1st Japan International Arbitration Week, taking place in Tokyo from 18th till 22nd November 2024. It will offer networking opportunities for young lawyers, arbitrators, in-house counsel from Japan and beyond.

Building on “The Truth about Cross-Cultural B2B Relationships”, a pioneering study by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Jus Connect and McCann Truth Central, this ICC YAAF event on The Place of Cultural Diversity in Business Interactions and Dispute Resolution will take place in-person on 19th November 2024. The panel will discuss the impact of culture on business decision-making and disputes resolution trends with a focus on interactions from Japanese parties’ perspective and, alternatively, from international parties in a negotiations context. 

Our speakers will present a diverse spectrum of views from in-house counsel, academia and private practice.

(Tokyo Time Zone)


Registration and welcome note 

  • Kentaro Minato, ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Partner, Atsumi & Sakai, Tokyo
  • Morgane Guyonnet, ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Associate, Freshfields, Tokyo


Introduction on the “The Truth about Cross-Cultural B2B Relationships”, by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Jus Connect and McCann Truth Central

  • Dr. Donna Huang, Director, Arbitration &ADR, North Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services


ICC YAAF: The place of cultural diversity in business interactions and dispute resolution (from Japan and beyond)

  • Masaichi Ito, Chief Manager, International Legal Section, Taisei Corporation, Tokyo 
  • Sayaka Matsui, Representative Executive Officer/General Counsel, Unilever Japan Holdings G.K., Tokyo
  • Earl Rivera-Dolera, Partner, Tokyo International Law Office, Tokyo
  • Satoko Sawada, Assistant Director, Economic Dispute Settlement Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), Tokyo
  • Jangwon Suh, General Counsel, Asia Pacific (excl. China), Continental Automotive Corporation, Tokyo

18:15-18:30 JST

Closing words from moderators and networking reception

Morgane Guyonnet

ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Associate, Freshfields, Tokyo

Donna Huang

Director, Arbitration &ADR, North Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

Masaichi Ito

Chief Manager, International Legal Section, Taisei Corporation, Tokyo

Sayaka Matsui

Representative Executive Officer/General Counsel, Unilever Japan Holdings G.K., Tokyo

Kentaro Minato 

ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Partner, Atsumi & Sakai, Tokyo

Earl Rivera-Dolera

Partner, Tokyo International Law Office, Tokyo

Satoko Sawada

Assistant Director, Economic Dispute Settlement Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), Tokyo

Jangwon Suh

General Counsel, Asia Pacific (excl. China), Continental Automotive Corporation, Tokyo

Venue: 8th Floor, Hibiya Midtown (1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) 

Travel info : Direct access from Hibiya Station (Chiyoda line/Hibiya line /Mita line). The conference room is located at 8th floor. Please come up to 9th floor and you will be guided to the conference room.

For further information, please contact:

Morgane Guyonnet

ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Associate, Freshfields

+81 (0)70 3545 9536


Kentaro Minato

ICC YAAF Representative for North Asia; Partner, Atsumi & Sakai

+81 (0)3 5501 2367




What is ICC YAAF ?

At ICC, we believe that through training and mentorship, we can shape the next generation of leading international arbitration and ADR experts. Through the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) network, we are able to better inform, connect and inspire young professionals with interests in dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.

Throughout the world, ICC YAAF organises a number of educational and social events that allow young professionals to discover best practices, discuss topical issues, network and create meaningful connections with experienced practitioners.

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