ICC YAAF: Due process paranoia and efficient dispute resolution

13 Jun 2024

Buenos Aires Spanish
Start: 18:00 (Buenos Aires) - End: 19:30 (Buenos Aires)

We look forward to seeing you at this conference where experts in the field will discuss the delicate balance between efficient dispute resolution and the safeguarding of the parties' rights in international arbitration.

The conference is aimed at litigators, in-house counsel, young professionals, students and anyone interested in learning more about international arbitration.

(Buenos Aires time zone)

18:00 - 18:15


18:15 - 18:20

Opening remarks

  • Pablo Jaroslavsky, ICC YAAF Representative for Latin America,  Counsel, Dechamps International Law, Buenos Aires
  • Santiago Peña, Partner, Bomchil, Young ITA Co-Chair for South America, Buenos Aires

18:20 - 19:30

Due process paranoia and efficient dispute resolution. The panel will discuss the balance between efficient dispute resolution and the safeguarding of the partie’s'rights in International Arbitration.

  • Federico Campolieti, Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Partner, Bomchil, Buenos Aires
  • María Inés Sola, Legal Manager, Pan American Energy, Buenos Aires
  • María Alejandra Etchegorry, National Deputy Director of International Affairs and Disputes, National Treasury Procurator's Office, Buenos Aires

Moderated by:

  • Juan Ignacio González Mayer, Senior Associate, Dechamps International Law, Buenos Aires

Federico Campolieti

Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Partner, Bomchil, Buenos Aires

María Alejandra Etchegorry

National Deputy Director of International Affairs and Disputes, National Treasury Procurator's

Pablo Jaroslavsky

Counsel, Dechamps International Law, ICC YAAF Representative for Latin America, Buenos Aires

Juan Ignacio González Mayer

Senior Associate, Dechamps International Law, Buenos Aires (moderador)

Santiago Peña

Partner, Bomchil, Young ITA Co-Chair for South America, Buenos Aires

María Inés Sola

Legal Manager, Pan American Energy, Buenos Aires

Date and venue


University of Buenos Aires School of Law

2263 President Figueroa Alcorta Avenue, Buenos Aires, Argentina




What is ICC YAAF?

At ICC, we believe that through training and mentorship, we can shape the next generation of leading international arbitration and ADR experts. Through the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) network, we are able to better inform, connect and inspire young professionals with interests in dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.

Throughout the world, ICC YAAF organises a number of educational and social events that allow young professionals to discover best practices, discuss topical issues, network and create meaningful connections with experienced practitioners.

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