7th ICC India Arbitration Day

16 Nov 2024

New Delhi English
Start: 09:30 (Indian Standard Time) - End: 19:00 (Indian Standard Time)

The 7th edition of the ICC India Arbitration Day will be back in Delhi on 16 November 2024. The conference will bring together leading professionals from India and abroad to discuss topical issues in domestic and international arbitration.

Mark your calendar for this must attend event that will feature an exciting line up of speakers and over 200 participants, delving into the latest trends, developments, and strategies for arbitration in India.

The conference will be preceded by the ICC Institute of World Business Law Advanced Training on Drafting Enforceable Awards on 15 November 2024. 

Who should attend?

  • Practising lawyers
  • Corporate counsel
  • Arbitrators
  • Mediators
  • Business professionals and academics from around the world
Arbitration Day
ICC Institute of World Business Law Advanced Training on Drafting Enforceable Award

The programme will be announced shortly. 

Start: 08:30 (Indian Standard Time) || End: 17:00 (Indian Standard Time)

View programme and register here.  

Speakers to be announced shortly

Venue Hyatt Regency Delhi
Bhikaiji Cama Place, Ring Road, New Delhi - 110066, Delhi, India
Registration infos Pre-registration: to save the date and mark your calendar, please use this link to pre-register. More details on registration and fees will follow shortly 

For further information, please contact: 

Ms Shania Elias

Deputy Director, Arbitration and ADR, India, ICC Dispute Resolution Services


Ms Valerie Victor 

Executive Assistant, Arbitration and ADR, South Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Service 


Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please reach out to Ms Shania Elias (Deputy Director, Arbitration and ADR, South Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services) at: shania.elias-ext@iccwbo.org.


Platinium sponsor

Gold sponsor

Silver sponsors

Bronze sponsors

Lex Arbitri

Supporting organisation