2nd ICC Ghana Arbitration and ADR Day

05 Mar 2025

Accra, Ghana and Online English CLE/MCLE/CNB credits/hours available

Join us for the 2nd edition of the ICC Ghana Arbitration and ADR Day which will be preceded by the ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Africa (3-4 March 2025). An ICC YAAF Fireside chat followed by a networking event will close this must-attend one day conference. 

Theme | Ensuring Justice and Efficiency in Arbitration: The Balance between Legal Representation and Tribunal Intervention.

ICC Ghana Arbitration and ADR Day, an annual one-day conference organized in the heart of West Africa, is dedicated to Arbitration and ADR. The theme of this second edition will focus on ensuring justice and efficiency in arbitration; specifically, the balance between legal representation and tribunal intervention. Ensuring justice and efficiency in arbitration requires a delicate balance between legal representation and tribunal intervention. On one hand, counsel must be given sufficient latitude to advocate for their clients' interests. On the other hand, the tribunal must intervene to ensure that the arbitration process is fair, efficient, and conducted in accordance with the parties' agreement.

An ICC YAAF Fireside chat on Promoting Mediation and Career Building in International Arbitration followed by a networking event will close this must-attend one day conference. 

It is an excellent opportunity for alternative dispute resolution practitioners from West Africa and beyond to meet, learn and exchange views on the latest trends in Arbitration and ADR in their region.


Who should attend ?

In-house counsel, practicing lawyers, arbitrators, mediators, representatives of national and international chambers (banking, insurance etc) as well as all professionals keen on obtaining further knowledge and to keep up to date with domestic and international arbitration. 

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