In our increasingly virtual world, manufacturers and companies who want to remain competitive need to have a website, not only for the promotion of their products, but also for the sale of their goods to consumers. Consequently, those who decide to sell online are faced with the problem of complying with consumer protection rules and need to establish online conditions of sale to consumers (B2C), which are substantially different from those used when selling through their traditional channels, since they imply compliance with special rules protecting purchasers, such as the pre-contractual information to be provided, the right of withdrawal, and the means of payment.

In order to assist businesses in adapting to this new situation, ICC has drafted a set of Model Online B2C General Conditions of Sale in order to provide companies with a helpful tool to assist companies in drafting their own tailor-made B2C general conditions of sale.

This model set of sale conditions does not constitute legal advice and must be adapted to comply with the consumer protection law[s] of the customers/clients to whom goods are being sold.

(To be adapted to comply with local consumer protection law of consumer/client)

Number of pages : 13
Publishing date : 2020-08-10
Language : English
Format in cm : 21*29.7

Introductory Note on the Application and General Structure
Model Form of Online B2C General Conditions of Sale
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12
Annex I

International Chamber of Commerce

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