ICC YAAF: Swiss in-house counsel workshop on dispute resolution – How to Draft a Great Arbitration Clause

31 Oct 2023

Basel English
Start: 17.15 (CET) | End: 19.00 (CET)

Are you an in-house counsel based in Switzerland? Do you want to learn more about how to draft arbitration clauses that protect your company’s interests? If so, join us on 31 October in Basel for the third instalment in our Swiss in-house workshop series on dispute resolution. 

Drafting an arbitration clause can be daunting. The choices seem endless and their utility and impact unclear. Where should the seat of the arbitration be and why does it matter? Which set of arbitration rules should you select? Is it sufficient to state the law applicable to the contract or do you also need to designate a law applicable to the arbitration clause? Should you mention anything about document production, the length of the proceedings or other procedural matters? If so, what is helpful rather than burdensome or even counter-productive? Should you include pre-arbitral ADR procedures such as structured negotiation or mediation? What risks are you exposing the company to when making any of these choices? These are just a few of the questions you need to consider. 

This workshop will allow you to learn, in an interactive, small-group setting, how to navigate the many possibilities, avoid pitfalls, and draft arbitration clauses that best address and protect your company’s interests. Our speakers will share practical tips on drafting clauses that are tailored to the contract at hand as well as provide insights based on their experience in-house and in private practice. 

The workshop will be followed by an informal dinner courtesy of LALIVE.

Open to those aged 40 and under, YAAF provides opportunities for individuals to gain knowledge, develop their skills and understand ICC’s arbitral procedure and other dispute resolution services.

Basel Time Zone




Words of Welcome


Short Presentation on Arbitration Clauses

  • Melissa Magliana, Partner, LALIVE, Zurich


Interactive Discussion on Arbitration Clauses




Interactive Discussion on Arbitration Clauses


Dinner at the Teufelhof Hotel’s Atelier Restaurant

Melissa Magliana

Partner, LALIVE, Zurich


Teufelhof Hotel
Leonhardsgraben 47-49
Basel, Switzerland


Please email Benjamin Moss at benjamin.moss@mail.mcgill.ca specifying your name, contact details and professional affiliation.

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For further information, please contact:

Benjamin Moss

ICC YAAF Representative for Europe; International Disputes Lawyer, Zurich

+33 7 63 04 60 49




What is ICC YAAF ?

At ICC, we believe that through training and mentorship, we can shape the next generation of leading international arbitration and ADR experts. Through the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) network, we are able to better inform, connect and inspire young professionals with interests in dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.

Throughout the world, ICC YAAF organises a number of educational and social events that allow young professionals to discover best practices, discuss topical issues, network and create meaningful connections with experienced practitioners.

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