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No. 794E
ISBN : 978-92-842-0462-5
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Help CentreThe popular ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap is the result of collaboration between over eighty IP experts from around the globe. It is widely read by business, policy and legal professionals worldwide, both within and outside ICC’s international membership. Published every two to three years, the IP Roadmap has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and other languages.
The 2017 edition was launched on World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April 2017. This new edition of the Roadmap reflects the most pressing issues that have been reshaping intellectual property in recent years.
The year 2016 saw both the development of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the signing of the Paris Agreement, the latter aimed at combatting climate change. Innovation and collaboration will play an important role in helping achieve these goals and IP will be a key factor in enabling this.
Digitisation has also continued to spawn new processes and technologies, with consequences both for the management of IP assets and the enforcement of IP rights. The increasingly data-driven nature of the economy has also raised question about rights and responsibilities over data.
The critical need to improve trade secrets protection resulted in the recent adoption of important new legislation in the EU and the US. Other areas of intellectual property also saw notable developments through case-law and legislation and an increasing number established specialised jurisdictions to resolve intellectual property disputes.
All of these newer issues are covered in the 2017 Roadmap. Other chapters have been substantially updated, and the sections on valuation and monetisation of IP assets, patents and standards, designs, trademark restrictions on packaging, domain names, plant varieties, information products, sustainable development, climate change, innovation and competition have been largely rewritten.
The ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap is also available in:
Chinese: 国际商会知识产权指南
Code ISBN : | 978-92-842-0462-5 |
Number of pages : | 106 |
Publishing date : | 2014-11-03 |
Language : | English |
Intellectual property basics
Developments having an impact on intellectual property
A. Creating value from intellectual property
I. Managing intellectual property assets to create value
II. Licensing
1. General issues
2. Specific situations
2.1 Collective administration and licensing of copyrights
2.2 Patents and standards
III. Valuation and monetisation of intellectual property assets
B. Obtaining intellectual property assets
I. Patents
1. Patent office cooperation and substantive patent law harmonisation
2. Patent quality
3. Patentability of new uses
4. The work on the patent system in Europe
5. Language considerations
II. Designs
III. Copyright
1. Moral rights
2. Protection of audiovisual performers
3. Access to published works for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled
4. Protection of broadcasters
5. Orphan works
IV. Trademarks
1. Harmonisation and streamlining of trademark rules and procedures
2. Famous / well-known marks
3. Searches
4. Restrictions on the use of trademarks on packaging
4.1 Plain packaging
5. Non-traditional marks
V. Domain names
1. Evolution of the domain name landscape
2. Challenges for new gTLD registries and brand holders
VI. Geographical indications
VII. Plant variety rights (PVR)
VIII. Trade secrets / confidential business information
IX. Other forms of intellectual property
1. Information products (e.g. databases)
2. Indigenous / community / traditional rights
C. Tackling intellectual property rights infringements and disputes
I. Litigating intellectual property rights
II. Resolution of intellectual property disputes by arbitration or mediation
1. Arbitratio
2. Mediation
III. Enforcement on the internet.
IV. Counterfeiting and piracy
D. Interaction between intellectual property and other policy areas
I. Sustainable economic development
II. Environmental protection
1. Biological diversity
2. Climate change
III. Innovation
IV. Competition
V. Information society
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Publication