ICC Institute SME Lab on Compliance (3/3)
Compliance as a Good Investment

15 Nov 2023

Zoom meeting English
Start: 15:00 (GMT) || End: 16:30 (GMT)

The third and final webinar in the ‘’ICC Institute SME Lab on Compliance’’ series will discuss why it is important to view compliance as an investment, not just a cost, and to consider the return on investment in compliance.

We will also examine the challenges, mechanisms and resources available to help SMEs develop good compliance practices and explore options for smart investment in compliance. The webinar will also discuss the consequences that can result from insufficient attention to compliance. Time for Q&A will follow.

(GMT Time Zone)


Panel Discussion


Q&A Session

Angelika Hunnefeld

Council member, ICC Institute of World Business Law, Shareholder, Board Certified in International Law, Greenberg Traurig, P.A., United States of America

Mark Kantor

Arbitrator, Mediator, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, United States of America

Stefan Kuuskne

Counsel, Department of Justice and Global Affairs, Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law, Canada

Kiat Seng Lee

Senior Director, NCS Risk Management, Singapore

M. Inés Sola

Chair of the ICC Institute of World Business Law Compliance Task Force, In-house Counsel, Pan American Energy, Argentina

Zoom Webinar

For more information, please contact: institute@iccwbo.org
