An overview of adding books with Adobe Digital Editions (.acsm)

Step 1 - Create your free Adobe account

Creating an Adobe account is not essential. However, if you do create a free Adobe account, it will allow you to access your eBooks on up to 6 devices.

Step 2 - 
Install Adobe Digital Editions for your device

It is essential to install Adobe Digital Editions - the eReader app which will allow you to view your books. No other Adobe product (Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat for example) will allow you to read your eBook.

Step 3 - Download your eBook from Firefox or Microsoft Edge via your personal ICC Knowledge 2 Go account (sign in or create an account)

Open your ACSM file with Adobe Digital Editions and enjoy your book!

Important: Kindly note that if you use Google Chrome, you won't be able to download any books correclty that have Digital Rights Management (DRM).

You can however use these browsers to download DRM .ascm files:

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