Arbitration - Money Laundering, Corruption and Fraud - Institute Dossier I

No. E651E

ISBN : 978-92-842-1320-7

This Dossier addresses the questions and problems raised for legal practitioners, and in particular arbitrators, by money laundering, fraud and bribery. It describes the action taken by professionals to detect and combat such activities, discusses the key issue of evidence, and considers whether arbitrators have a duty to report cases of corruption.

The book contains eight authoritative papers presented at a conference organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law. They cover legal instruments, regulatory matters, case law and the emergence of an international public policy banning bribery. Together, they form a comprehensive survey that remains relevant today.

This is one of the rare publications to include a detailed presentation of reported arbitration cases where fraud and corruption have featured, still widely cited today.

The International Chamber of Commerce’s world-renowned Institute of World Business Law, where legal and business experts convene, has devoted an entire publication to money laundering and other forms of corruption: Arbitration – Money Laundering, Corruption and Fraud. The first in a series of ICC Institute Dossiers focuses both on the nature of the problem and the lawyer/arbitrator’s response to it.

Code ISBN : 978-92-842-1320-7
Number of pages : 186
Publishing date : 2003
Language : English
Format in cm : N/A

FOREWORD: By Serge Lazareff, Chairman, ICC Institute of World Business Law

INTRODUCTION: By Kristine Karsten & Andrew Berkeley,co-editors

  1. Money laundering: How it works and why you should be concerned by Kristine Karsten 
  2. Fraud, corruption and money laundering: The approach of an international law firm by Alan Jenkins 
  3. Trans-national commercial bribery: Challenge to arbitration by Marl Pieth 
  4. The 1997 OECD convention against trans-national bribery: Effective monitoring and implementation by Giorgio Sacerdoti 
  5. Trans-national public policy in international arbitral decisionmaking: The cases of bribery, money laundering and fraud by Bernardo Cremades and David A. Cairns 
  6. The role of the expert in arbitration by Arthur Harverd 
  7. Arbitration case law on bribery: Issues of arbitrabilit,ycontract validity, merits and evidence by Antonio Crivellaro 
  8. Arbitration, corruption, money laundering and fraud: The role of the tribunals by Allan Philip 
  9. Final remarks by Robert Briner 


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Edited by Kristine Karsten and Andrew Berkeley